
This is the demo site of MinoriWiki

And a partial mirror of FelixWiki.

Server Configuration

# Trust host key without /dev/tty

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <username>@<server>

# SSH Tunnel

# Create New Tunnel Account
adduser --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --no-create-home --ingroup sshusers <username>

You may need to run the following command at first time.

addgroup sshusers
# Open Local Socks Proxy
ssh <username>@<server> -N -D 7070 -v
# Open Local Socks Proxy (The Plink Way)
plink <server> -N -ssh -2 -P 22 -l <username> -C -D 7070 -v -pw <password>


  1. http://stackoverflow.com/a/15007556/646735

Last Update: Sat Oct 15 2016 09:31:15 GMT+0900 (JST) Source File